20 Mar Kusum Gboo Dance Ensemble
The Kusum Gboo Dance Ensemble is a registered professional performing arts group from Ghana-West Africa. Their various arts include; African folklore music, African drumming, dance, and drama.
Founded two decades ago, the ensemble has gone through a series of transformations, while the mission of the ensemble has been constant; to entertain, promote and sustain African culture by presenting African music, drumming and dance that illuminate the richness and diversity of African traditional values.
The Kusum Gboo Dance Ensemble can boast over twenty traditional African choreographed music and dance pieces that are accompanied by authentic African Drum Rhythms in their diverse repertoire. These include dramatic infusions of traditional dances from Ghana, Togo, Senegal, Benin, Kenya, Guinea, Uganda, South Africa, Botswana and many more.
The ensemble has gained wide recognition throughout Ghana, the West African Sub Region, Europe and the United States of America; presenting authentic and professional performances internationally, holding workshops and seminars on African culture in numerous schools, colleges and universities in Europe and the United States of America respectively.